TU DIEN10 TU DIEN09 TU DIEN07 TU DIEN01 CENTORK07 CENTORK06 CENTORK04 CENTORK03 ABB15 ABB13 ABB12 ABB05 Van bướm Van tay quay Unik DN500 Van bướm tay quay Unik DN450 UKV - 2012R Van bướm tay quay Unik DN400 Van bướm tay quay Unik DN350 UKV - 2012R Van bướm tay quay Unik DN300 Van bướm tay quay Unik DN250 Van bướm tay quay Unik DN200 Van bướm tay quay Unik DN150

Đang truy cập: 2
Trong ngày: 32
Trong tuần: 135
Lượt truy cập: 426112

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The CENTORK electric actuators are compact units that, due to their modular design, can be applied to the actuation of any kind of valve.
CENTORK Multi-turn actuators are used for the actuation of valves having linear movement, like gate, knife-gate, globe, diaphragm valves and penstocks.

Due to its versatile and modular design there is a large number of options available.
        400 & 401 On/Off Series

Multi-turn On-Off actuators are designed for short-time S2-15 min.motor duty. (S2-30 min. available as an option). This means that they can be used for intermittent operation and a low number of cycles.

The 400/401 series actuators can be combined with different Centronik controls, and different combinations of multi-turn gearboxes to cover a higher number of applications.

Electromechanical actuators for a simple and reliable control of the valve.

400 Series for non-rising stem applications.

401 Series for rising stem applications (output with or without axial thrust).

Main characteristics:

  • Torque range from 10 Nm to 12.000 Nm.
  • Output speeds from 2,75 to 224 rpm.
  • Torque and position setting.
  • Output flanges and bushes according to ISO 5210.
  • Handwheel for manual operation.
  • High degree of weatherproof protection IP67 (IP68 optional). High quality corrosion protection.
  • Wide range of switching and signalling options.
  • Centronik local control and filed bus are available

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